This is a collection of all my crazy rideshare stories from over the years! Driving rideshare is a blast because you never know who you are picking up. And until recently, you didn’t even know where you were going. And you never know what dynamics might play out.
Chuck Stories
First EVER Uber Ride - “Uber Virgin!”
I was extremely nervous when I went online for the first time. Picking up strangers from the internet. At night. In a college town. And they’re probably drunk. This first night was genuinely nerve-racking!
Absolute Insanity! First MDW at Delaware Beaches
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First Friday Night Ubering
Add your pricing strategy. Be sure to include important details like value, length of service, and why it’s unique.
First Friday Night Ubering
Add your pricing strategy. Be sure to include important details like value, length of service, and why it’s unique.
Tired at Grandma’s Birthday Dinner
Add your pricing strategy. Be sure to include important details like value, length of service, and why it’s unique.
Tired at Grandma’s Birthday Dinner
Add your pricing strategy. Be sure to include important details like value, length of service, and why it’s unique.