Driving for rideshare offers flexibility and the opportunity to earn extra income on your terms. Drivers sign up with platforms like Uber or Lyft and use their own vehicles to provide transportation services. Drivers have the freedom to choose when and where they want to work. While they earn decent money during peak hours and in busy areas.
Hit the road. Make Money.
Recent Blogs
First EVER Uber Ride - “Uber Virgin!”
Picking up strangers from the internet. At night. In a college town. And they’re probably drunk. The first night was genuinely nerve-racking!
Rideshare “Lost and Found”
Amidist the hustle and bustle of daily life, riders inadvertently leave items behind in rideshare vehicle. And returning lost items is both stressful and time-consuming.
Rideshare Food & Drink Etiquette
It is the rider’s responsibility to ask driver’s permission to eat or drink in their vehicle. Riders often overlook this simple etiquette. Leading to uncomfortable situations.
Recent Videos
Uber Snooze Adventure: DRUNK Rider Falls Asleep & Security Guard Calls Dad to the RESCUE!
Drunk Rider falls asleep on way home and won't wake up. Even when clapping and shouting his name! And the Security Guard at his Gated Community said that "he's a regular! 😂
This Will Cost You $250 | THROWING UP in an Uber
I've never had a rider throw up in my vehicle. I've had A LOT of close calls. And But this rider came VERY close to being the first rider to throw up inside my vehicle.
Rider Spills Drink & Things ESCALATE Quickly!
Rider spills her coffee and they both blame it on me. Male rider tries to say that I "peeled out." Causing the chick to spill her drink all over my backseat.