How Much MONEY Can You MAKE in 30 Days with Amazon Flex

Gig work offers individuals the opportunity to earn money on their own terms. And Amazon Flex, a delivery app offered by online retail giant Amazon, promises the freedom to earn money with the freedom to choose your own schedule. However, the amount of money one can make in a month depends on various factors - such as location, demand, and seasonality.

👉 So, how much money did I make in 30 days with delivery packages for Amazon Flex?

I wanted to see how much I could make if I delivered packages for Amazon Flex for 30 straight days, while maxing out my allowable working hours. Typically Flex drivers can work up to 8 hours per day and 40 hours per week, spread over the last 7 days. Increasing to 10 hours a day and 50 hours per week during peak seasons like Tax Season, Prime Days, or the Christmas holiday in December.

Unfortunately, the increase in hours didn’t happen until a few days before Christmas, and immediately went back to 40 hours by January 1st. This cut into my earnings and my monthly earnings goal of $6,000 for the month of December. Supply and demand played factors into Amazon determining the maximum allowed working hours for drivers, significantly affecting my monthly earnings.

Most days I worked early morning because that’s when Amazon Flex blocks surged in pay. Time of day also plays a major role with driver earnings. For example, peak warehouse delivery times - such as early mornings and late nights, can have a higher demand, resulting in higher earnings potential. Drivers who are able to work during these peak periods may have the opportunity to earn more per hour.

👉 So, let’s get down to the numbers!

On average, I worked approximately 6 hours each day, totaling 177 hours over the course of 30 days. Amazon Flex drivers are limited to working a maximum of 40 hours per week. This is also a “rolling” 40-hour limit. Which means it’s 40 hours total over the last 7 days. Which is why I averaged 6 hours per day, spreading those hours over an entire week so that I could take advantage of early morning surge blocks.

In total, I completed 47 blocks, 5 of which were “free” blocks. Meaning there was no work for me when I arrived at the warehouse, so I was sent home after waiting 30 minutes. But I still got paid for the block!😃

I successfully delivered 1,075 packages to a variety of locations - including apartments, businesses, and homes, with a total of 1,004 stops. Averaging approximately 26 packages and 24 stops per delivery block. Driving my 2013 Honda Accord the distance of 3,946 miles in those 30 days delivering packages, which averages out to 131 miles per day.

In conclusion, I managed to earn $4,750 working 30 straight days delivering packages for Amazon Flex. Averaging approximately $158 per day. Although I fell very short of my $6,000 30-day goal because of Amazon’s imposed 40-hour per week work limit, it was still a lucrative and rewarding experience.

Chuck Driver | Gig-Worker | YouTuber | Blogger

I quit my corporate job to work full-time in the gig economy and start a YouTube channel. Follow me on my journey as I share rideshare and delivery experiences with you.

How Much MONEY I Spent to Make $5,000 with Amazon Flex


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