3 Items EVERY Amazon Flex Driver SHOULD Have

Amazon Flex drivers should have a few essential items to ensure a smooth and safe delivery experience. And these are 3 items every Amazon Flex driver should have:

1️⃣ First is Flashlight. Flashlights play a crucial role for Amazon Flex delivery drivers in ensuring efficient and safe deliveries. Flashlights are essential for navigating through the dark or poorly lit areas during early morning and nighttime deliveries. And many delivery locations may not have adequate lighting, making it difficult to locate specific addresses or safely navigate pathways.

A flashlight provides the necessary illumination to read addresses, identify package drop-off locations, and navigate safely in low-light locations. A flashlight also allows drivers to identify and scan packages quicker inside your poorly lit vehicle. Flashlights ensure smooth and successful deliveries, regardless of the time of day or lighting conditions.

2️⃣ Second is a solid pair of Boots. Sneakers are fine for dry, warmer weather days, but a good pair of boots are a must have for Amazon Flex drivers in all other situations. Especially for delivering when it’s dark outside, not knowing what you might step on. Amazon Flex drivers have to navigate through different types of surfaces, including uneven sidewalks and gravel paths.

Amazon Flex drivers may encounter adverse weather conditions - such as rain, snow, or ice. A good pair of boots with weatherproof or water-resistant features can keep the deliver driver’s feet dry and comfortable, even in the wet or snowy conditions. Boots also provide comfort, stability, and grip on these types of surfaces and situations, reducing the risk of slips, trips, and falls.

3️⃣ Third is can of Mace - or as I like to call it anti-aggressor repellent. Amazon Flex drivers enter unfamiliar neighborhoods with every delivery. Having mace pepper spray readily accessible can provide a sense of security and means of self-defense in case of any threatening or dangerous situations. It can serve as a deterrent and provide means of protection against potential attackers or aggressive animals.

A can of this will help give you a fighting chance in either situation.

Chuck Driver | Gig-Worker | YouTuber | Blogger

I quit my corporate job to work full-time in the gig economy and start a YouTube channel. Follow me on my journey as I share rideshare and delivery experiences with you.


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